Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My Seventies

 June 19, 2024

My foremost concern is my health. The first week in January I had my third stroke.

The first was due to me letting my blood pressure and blood sugar get too high. The second and third were, well, “causes uncertain.”

There are plenty of doctors who can explain the clinical info on types, causes, and treatments available.

I’ll try to briefly explain what it’s like to experience it.

My right side was affected from all three strokes, so my right arm always feels like I slept funny on it. I received physical, occupational, and speech therapies.

My entire right side is now weak, I use a wheelchair most of the time, I can’t walk unassisted, I can’t button an Oxford shirt.

But my sense of self has always remained strong. I know who I am, and who I’m not. Recently I’ve learned that if I accept my present condition, life is far more pleasant. And if I look for the good, I find it!

So don’t try to help me, just leave me alone. Please.

Steve Thompson

June 19, 2024

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