There's really only one major factor that separates companies that are thriving and growing, from companies that are struggling: the quality of the day to day decisions made by the people at those companies.
Great decisions result from great information. Who is providing you with the information you use to make your decisions? Your employees? They know you, and they know what you want to hear. Your suppliers, vendors? They want you to buy their products and services, so their information is good regarding their businesses, but not necessarily yours.
I've worked in the advertising, public relations, and publicity industries for over forty years. I've seen trends come and go, and companies come and go. I've seen companies who were willing to adapt who continue to prosper, and others who refused to change, and are long gone.
I'm sixty-two now, and for a number of reasons I only want to provide high quality, high impact consultation services, and only oversee the actual creative services to clients. In essence, most if not all of the clients I've had over the years were primarily interested in what I thought. I told them what I thought, and they made their own decisions on how they proceeded.
Most did what I suggested (and bought what I was offering) one mentioned "nobody connects the dots as well you Steve."
So that's what I'm offering now: The opportunity for me to listen to you, your concerns, your opinions on what you are doing now and why, and your plans and hopes for the future. First I'll begin by taking an objective look at your company, your facilities, your competitive position in the marketplace, the way you treat present and past customers, your website, your paid advertising, the business press who covers your type of business, your social media involvement, then I'll address your specific concerns, and give you my unbiased opinions. I think you'll find my real-life perspective refreshing.
Everything, including your response to this posting is handled with complete confidentiality.
I'm not looking for a job with your company, and I'm not trying to convince you to buy a product or creative service, so you will be receiving the benefit of my forty plus years of experience in the advertising, marketing, public relations, and publicity industries. My goal is to assist you in making better informed decisions, decisions that you'll feel great about!
So the first step towards making better informed decisions really is easy and simple: just contact me now for more information at !
Steve Thompson
Thompson Communications
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